Saturday, October 28, 2006

Final Assembly

Action Screws Labelled Front, Rear and Middle

Emblem Finally Installed in Inletting

Sanding, Sanding, More Sanding................

Veteran's Rifle Team Emblem being Installed

Installing Davies Trigger and Panda Hanger

Final Sanding

Carving Cheek Piece

Hand Fitting Trigger Guard to Fit Stock

Roughing Out Trigger Guard

Action Being Bedded in Stock

Checking Height of Action and Pillars

Inletting for Pillars

Shaping and Trimming Pistol Grip

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cone and Shoulder after checking bolt clearance

Ready to chamber

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Saving the Identification on End of Barrel / Centering Barrel

Qualifying Barrel in Chuck

Barrel being Crowned

Putting the Pieces Together